Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Dear Customers, 

The Project XOXO team would like to express our most sincere apologies for any delays in delivery you may have encountered. 

Though this may not quell your dissatisfaction, we feel that we owe you, our customers, an explanation as to why the delay occurred.

Yesterday morning, our suppliers of balloons and pastries were both late in their deliveries despite repeated reminders and guarantees from them that they would be prompt. As such, we received our goods 3 hours and 4.5 hours behind the time agreed upon, setting in motion a backlog in the delivery of orders. In response to the delay, we mobilized even more vehicles and manpower to try to reach every one of your timings. Unfortunately it was not enough and resulted in late deliveries for some of you.  We are truly sorry if you experienced a delayed receipt of your orders.

We accept responsibility for not having responded to your queries (via email, blog, facebook) regarding your orders promptly. This was poor management on our part as nobody was left to contact customers when everyone available and every vehicle in our possession was sent out to conduct internal and external deliveries in order to clear the backlog of orders.

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience we may have caused you and your recipients. We seek your kind understanding regarding this issue. We hope that you will accept our sincere apology and explanation. Nonetheless, should you feel strongly about your case, please write back to us at projectxoxo2012@gmail.com and we will address your grievances accordingly.

Once again, we are deeply apologetic for any inconvenience you might have experienced.
Project XOXO 2012

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